5 top productivity hacks from the wisdom of Oriental Russian philosophy

By Alisa Louse.

Hi, productivity fans!

Russia, as you know, is synonymous with efficiency and organisation. According to top historians, Russia is also the cradle of the Orient, birthplace of eastern philosophy. So here are some of the top productivity tips I’ve learned in Russia, to make me (and you!) a successful and efficient writer and person.

1. The Hand of the Rising Sun

a- Go to your bathroom

b- Turn on the light BUT DO NOT open the door….yet

c- Over the course of the next hour open the door at a rate of one centimetre per minute

This rate of progress is similar to the pace of the rising sun and is guaranteed to put you into a relaxed mood for the rest of the day. Remember, if you get urge to get ready for work or go to the toilet, put it on your mental ‘to-do’ list, which we come to now.

2. The List Nest of Confusious

The List Nest is an ancient Russian-Chinese Confusion philosophy developed from the Philosopher Confusious who still influences top decision makers today:

a- Create a list of things to do immediately

b- Break that up into composite lists based on organisational character analysis (You’ll need to buy my e-book ‘Organisational Character Analysis’ to hack your knowledge of organisation. Priced $47.00 at all good retail outlets)

c-‘Nest’ those composite lists inside thematic lists placed at strategic locations in your kitchen, bed, attic, car and pet

d- Stick at it! Remember, as Confusious said, ‘There are nine million bicycles in Beijing’. And they weren’t organised in a day, were they!

3. Incognitism

Have a ‘quiet space’ time. The best time is usually between 5pm and midnight on a Friday evening. During that period don’t speak to anyone or leave the house. Don’t worry. When you do call your friends afterwards for some well earned relaxation they’ll all be awake and sober and ready to speak to you!

4. Fighting

Eastern guru Vladimir Putin has been quoted as saying- “If you have to fight, you better throw the first punch. Or kick. Or a well-aimed missile over a civilian area from the safety of your fighter jet.”

So when you do go out and meet your friends, don’t drink too fast to play catch-up, and remember the above if someone knocks your drink from your hand.

5. The mystical ‘all-nighter’

If the above tips aren’t helping, use an ancient eastern herb mix called Taurine found in drinks such as Red Bull and stay up all night toasting to productivity. Remember, productivity is as vain as anyone. The more you toast it, the more it will like you back.

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